We are looking for experts with deep knowledge in their fields. We want to educate and share knowledge. We especially value experiences and passions related to natural approach to health, to the environment and everyday life. We want to publish powerful, authentic and scientific accounts of the human impact on the planet, the environment and the self. We are interested in the relationship of the body with nature and its gifts.
We invite you to join our educational project, which aims to reach as many people as possible with its message. Our main goal is to help achieve psycho-physical balance with nature and oneself.
If you have expertise, knowledge, or a story you’d like to share, please contact us. You will join our highly skilled team of editors to collaboratively create and refine your work or transform it into educational materials.
We look forward to working with you!
- Please include your topic proposal in the body of your email. (Do not use PDFs or Google docs).
- When creating your article, include all your sources: if you refer to research in your article, include a link to that source. If you claim a particular food is healthy, tell us how you know that. Use links to peer-reviewed scientific articles and academic journals. (Put relevant links in parentheses next to the claim/statement).
- Include your biography - education, publications, and experience.