Sławomir Murawiec
Having worked at the Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology in Warsaw for over 15 years, for the last few years he has been working in private practice. Author of numerous scientific and popular papers based on the latest findings and knowledge, combining biological and psychological dimensions of mental disorders treatment. Co-author and editor of several books, including: „Od neurobiologii do psychoterapii”, „Depresja 2016”, „Depresja 2017” and „Farmakoterapia w psychiatrii ambulatoryjnej” [“From neurobiology to psychotherapy”, “Depression 2016”, “Depression 2017” and “Pharmacotherapy in outpatient psychiatry”.] Together with Piotr Tryjanowski, Sławomir Murawiec published the book “Ornitologia terapeutyczna” [“Therapeutic Ornithology”].Articles
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