Antonio Scotti
He has been a permaculture consultant, designer, educator and author since 2001. He completed his first CDP (Certificate of Permaculture Design) at the Montsant Permaculture Institute and his second CDP with Darren Doherty in 2009, accredited by The Permaculture Institute (Australia).
He accredited his Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design in 2012 by the Accademia Italiana di Permacultura. He graduated as a permaculture trainer after attending permaculture trainer training led by Andy Langford and Roben McCurdy and with Rosemary Morrow in 2004 and 2011, respectively.
Since his initial training, he has taught over 40 introductory courses, several CDPs, and spoken across the Spanish state. Since 2009, he has been part of the faculty of the GEDSiS course in Integrated Systems Design for Online Sustainability.
Over the years, Antonio has co-founded several initiatives. He was the promoter of the first steps in the Spanish Cities of Transition network, co-founded the first Transition Hub in Barcelona, and more recently he co-founded the Iberian Permaculture Academy and the Permaculture for Refugees collective
He wrote the foreword to the Spanish edition of David Holmgren's book Permaculture: Principles and Pathways Beyond Sustainability and has published several articles on permaculture in Ecohabitar magazine.
a) What are your main values in life?
My main values in life are respect, responsibility, perseverance, empathy, justice, helping, usefulness as a human being, Caring for the Earth, Caring for People, Fair Share, cooperation.
b) How do you understand balance?
Well, I guess it depends on what we are measuring and for what doesn't it? I would say not too much and/or not too little of something.
c) What inspires you?
First and foremost, life. The ability to solve problems and the creativity of people in any situation